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Friday, October 18

10:30am CEST

Climate, land use, and biodiversity from a "systems thinking" perspective
Friday October 18, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CEST
From logging to agricultural land conversion, human activities on land significantly impact the global cycles of greenhouse gases. As a result, not only does it affect the climate, but also plants, mammals, birds, lichens and fungi.  

But these complex "cause and effect" relationships are difficult to grasp, making it challenging to get a big picture and report on them effectively. More than ever before, we need a "systems" way of looking at the complex relationships between climate, land use and biodiversity to dissect how they are influenced by human actions and driven by factors like the international trade.

This session will feature scientists working on these issues and -interactively- unfold some of this complexity using systems thinking tools, and discuss how journalists can report on these pressing matters.

In collaboration with CLEVER and DETECT projects.
avatar for Rina Tsubaki

Rina Tsubaki

European Forest Institute
Rina Tsubaki is a communications manager at European Forest Institute who is leading the Lookout Station, a science-media capacity building initiative at the European Forest Institute. Prior to her joining EFI, she has developed a number of projects that focus on accuracy in journalistic... Read More →
avatar for Jan Börner

Jan Börner

Professor for Economics of Sustainable Land Use & Bioeconomy, University of Bonn
Jan Börner is Professor for Economics of Sustainable Land Use & Bioeconomy at the University of Bonn, Germany, with applied research experience in Latin America, Africa, and Europe. Between 2012 and 2017, he was Robert Bosch Junior Professor for Economics of Sustainable Natural Resource... Read More →

Felipe Nunes

Director, Center for Territorial Intelligence
Dr. Felipe Nunes is currently the President-Director of CIT (Center for Territorial Intelligence) and an associate researcher at CSR (Center for Remote Sensing) at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil. His research focuses on spatially explicit modeling, ex-ante and... Read More →
Friday October 18, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CEST

10:30am CEST

What’s next on the EU's chemicals agenda
Friday October 18, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CEST
The EU has been pedalling back on the Green Deal and now the Parliament has shifted more to the right. What’s next? Come hear from two experienced journalists and a lobby expert about what to watch out for in the next EU legislative term in the context of chemicals.  

Where will the EU be focusing on after indefinitely shelving the REACH revision that would regulate companies on toxic chemicals? How does the legislative process work on climate regulations at the EU level? What will be the lobbyists to watch out for and how do they operate? What is the corporate playbook and what should journalist be aware of?
avatar for Jelena Prtoric

Jelena Prtoric

Journalist, Arena for Journalism in Europe
avatar for Vicky Cann

Vicky Cann

Researcher and campaigner, Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO)
Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) is a research and campaign group working to expose and challenge the privileged access and influence enjoyed by corporations and their lobby groups in EU policy making. Vicky Cann is a researcher and campaigner and her work includes a specific focus on corporate capture and... Read More →
avatar for Stéphane Horel

Stéphane Horel

Journalist, Le Monde
Stéphane Horel is an investigative journalist at Le Monde. Author of several documentaries and books, she specialises in corporate harm, toxic industries and scientific disinformation, as well as in innovative investigation methodologies. In 2023, she supervised the European map... Read More →
avatar for Elena Sanchez Nicolas

Elena Sanchez Nicolas

Managing editor, EUobserver
Elena is EUobserver's Managing Editor. She is from Spain and has studied journalism and new media in Spanish and Belgian universities. Previously she worked on European affairs at VoteWatch Europe and the Spanish news agency EFE.
Friday October 18, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CEST
Sala Seminari

10:30am CEST

Who decides what we eat?: Doing compelling journalism about food systems.
Friday October 18, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CEST
Food production is a leading cause of deforestation, biodiversity loss, and premature deaths, but it is also a major victim of the climate crisis. This is the result of decades of corporate consolidation, a myopic focus on efficiency and productivity, and an over-reliance on techno-fixes. Big Agriculture resists changes that the public supports, with a playbook similar to Big Tobacco and Big Oil.

Much of this is hidden from us by complexity and a lack of media attention. But investigative reporters can play a critical role in changing this by using data, FOIA, and open source tools. Lighthouse Reports' Food Systems Newsroom will lead a discussion about how innovative techniques and collaborative methodologies can invigorate food reporting, helping journalists to reframe consumer-oriented reporting into narrative-driven stories about a broken system and how it can be changed.
avatar for Thin Lei Win

Thin Lei Win

Investigative journalist, Lighthouse Reports
My main hat is food systems, climate change and where they meet. My other hat is Burma, my home country.
avatar for Margot Gibbs

Margot Gibbs

Reporter, Lighthouse Reports
Finance, Food
avatar for Silvia Lazzaris

Silvia Lazzaris

Journalist, FoodUnfolded
I'm a multimedia reporter and author tackling ethics, power, tech & science. My work has been published in several international media including Corriere della Sera, BBC World Service, Wired UK, Domani, and Will Media. Over the past year I have been working on "What we eat", a documentary... Read More →
Friday October 18, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CEST

2:30pm CEST

Animal welfare as a climate issue
Friday October 18, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
Intensive animal farming is a huge climate matter. Its mass scale contributes heavily on emissions and its impact destroys groundwater resources and soil. At the same time, animals themselves are suffering both human actions and the effects of climate crisis. The majority of Europeans are in full support of stringent regulations on animal welfare but there is intensive lobbying effort that succeeds in shutting down any efforts.  

Animals are an alarmingly underreported topic in the media. In this panel, two journalists with extensive experience on writing on these issues will explain how the system works, where the stories are, and the best practices on reporting on animal-related issues in Europe.
avatar for Thin Lei Win

Thin Lei Win

Investigative journalist, Lighthouse Reports
My main hat is food systems, climate change and where they meet. My other hat is Burma, my home country.
avatar for Annick Hus

Annick Hus

Investigative journalist, Freelance
As a freelance investigative journalist and researcher based just outside Brussels, Annick specialises in animal welfare, biodiversity, agriculture (mainly livestock), and climate issues.
Friday October 18, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
Sala Seminari

4:00pm CEST

Climate adaptation: How to collect and use data to evaluate if a nation is preparing
Friday October 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST
Countries across the world have committed to be Net Zero by 2050 or sooner, but real climate action happens at the lower levels of governance. How can journalists find the data they need on local and regional action and untangle the web of relationships and responsibilities on climate adaptation? And how to interpret these?

In Germany, a team of over 20 journalists created the first comprehensive fact base on climate adaptation in Germany. With expert advice from TU Dortmund University and through surveys, the team analysed whether all 400 German districts, independent cities and regional associations were prepared for extreme weather events like heat, drought, heavy rain and flood.

In the UK, the NGO mySociety, in partnership with Climate Emergency UK, has wrangled data from the UK’s 395 local governments for the last three years to develop a comprehensive picture of the UK’s climate ambition and progress.

In this session, they will tell you how you can collect this type of information in your own country, deal with (big & dirty) data, collaborate with civil society and/or scientists, and how you can write your adaptation stories so they make sense.
avatar for Léopold Salzenstein

Léopold Salzenstein

Data coordinator, Arena for Journalism in Europe
Leopold Salzenstein is a freelance investigative data journalist and trainer based in the south of France. At Arena, he coordinates the handling of data for publications and trainings. He is also a member of the collective of journalists Environmental Investigative Forum (EIF).
avatar for Max Donheiser

Max Donheiser

Data Journalist, CORRECTIV
From data wrangling to digital storytelling, Max is a full-stack investigative data journalist. Originally from New York, Max moved to Berlin in 2019 to work with CORRECTIV on a Fulbright fellowship. Since then, he has continued to work with the investigative and local teams, primarily... Read More →
avatar for Katharina Huth

Katharina Huth

Climate journalist, Correctiv
Katarina Huth is a climate journalist at the non-profit newsroom CORRECTIV. She has gone undercover among climate change deniers, researched the influence of fossil fuel companies, and led investigations for the CORRECTIV.Lokal network with more than 1,700 local journalists on climate... Read More →
avatar for Zarino Zappia

Zarino Zappia

Climate programme lead, mySociety
Zarino (he/him) leads the Climate Programme at UK civil society organisation mySociety. mySociety’s climate tools aim to collect, standardise, and share data about local climate action—across the different levels of government and civil society in the UK—to ultimately put more... Read More →
Friday October 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST

4:00pm CEST

The big plastic lie: What to know about and how to investigate the plastics recycling industry
Friday October 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST
Come join us for a dive into the murky world of plastics. There is a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation around plastics recycling among the public, but even among journalists too. In this session, you’ll hear two journalists who worked on this topic discussing the inner workings of the plastics industry, the lobbying against regulations, and how plastics offsetting became the new license for the industry to pollute even more. They will share their work, their methods and what to look out for if you want to investigate this big topic.
avatar for Sarah Pilz

Sarah Pilz

Network Coordinator, Arena for Journalism in Europe
Sarah Pilz ist freiberufliche Journalistin in Deutschland mit Fokus auf EU Politik und Lobbyismus. Als Netzwerkkoordinatorin bei Arena for Journalism in Europe arbeitet sie an der Vernetzung von Journalist:innen in Europa und der Koordination von cross-border Projekten. Gemeinsam... Read More →
avatar for Maria Maggiore

Maria Maggiore

Journalist, Investigate Europe
I grew up in Europe. There is no solution without Europe, but Europe has to change a lot, more democracy and transparency are needed. Less space for lobby.My preferit topics are around gas and green transition, plastics waste and production, AI now, for the threat to our foundamental... Read More →
avatar for Jess Staufenberg

Jess Staufenberg

Investigative reporter, Source Material
Jess is an investigative journalist working for public interest journalism unit SourceMaterial based in the UK, focused on corruption and climate.  
Friday October 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST
Sala Seminari
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