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Saturday, October 19

9:00am CEST

Late check-in and coffee
Saturday October 19, 2024 9:00am - 9:30am CEST
Saturday October 19, 2024 9:00am - 9:30am CEST

9:30am CEST

A critical approach to constructive climate reporting (and its limits)
Saturday October 19, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am CEST
During the climate crisis, we need journalism that brings us forward. But whether writing stories about individuals or investigations about companies, climate journalism should remain critical and find the right balance between motivating the audiences and criticising the culprits.

Living in a tiny house means less material baggage but also less space. Taking the night train means more adventure, but also a slower trip. Carbon offsets projects can help to balance emissions from hard-to-decarbonise industries, but what if they cause unexpected consequences? Regardless of whether we are reporting on private involvement or on companies - we gain nothing if we paint the situation too positively.

In this roundtable, we share experiences and perspectives on the risks of constructive reporting to be turned into “feel-good stories”, greenwashing or advertising, and how to critically engage sources when researching climate solutions.

Come to this session with your own experiences and “solutions” dilemmas, and let’s discuss them together.
avatar for Anna Violato

Anna Violato

Climate journalist and editor, Radar Magazine
Climate change, environmental issues, pollution, biodiversity, climate solutions
avatar for Gianluca Liva

Gianluca Liva

Journalist, RADAR Magazine
Gianluca is one of the founders of RADAR Magazine, website of an Italian collective of science, investigative and environmental journalists and photographers.He covers environmental crimes, toxicology and the social impacts of pollution. He contributes or has contributed to Le Scienze... Read More →
avatar for Marta Frigerio

Marta Frigerio

Independent journalist and media trainer. I mainly write about climate, environmental issues and their social consequences.
avatar for Alex Tiefenbacher

Alex Tiefenbacher

Journalist, Onlinemagazin "Das Lamm", Co-founder of Climate journalism network switzerland
Alex Tiefenbacher, born in 1982, has a Master's degree in Environmental Sciences and a Master's degree in Philosophy, both from ETH Zurich. She has been writing for various Swiss media since 2009. Her texts have won several awards. In 2021, she received the Quandt Media Prize for... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am CEST
Spazio Cinema

9:30am CEST

How to address the climate crisis at a local level: A networking session for local European journalists to exchange practices
Saturday October 19, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am CEST
Covering the climate crisis at the local level often faces significant obstacles. This networking event aims to bring together local journalists from various countries who report on the climate and environment. The main goal is to address the critical need for enhanced coverage of the climate crisis by empowering local journalists with the resources and networks necessary to drive real change within their communities.

This session will be facilitated by journalists from Italy’s FADA Collective. Participants will have the opportunity to network, exchange information, share best practices, discuss challenges and talk about investigation ideas. Perhaps, new journalistic collaborations can flourish — wouldn’t that be great! Come join this session if you’re covering the climate on a local level and meet like-minded journalists.
avatar for Sara Manisera

Sara Manisera

Journalist, FADA Collective
Sara has worked extensively in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, North Africa and Italy. Her research focuses on environmental conflicts, gender issues and food supply chains. Her feature stories and investigations have been published by Al Jazeera, Libèration, El Pais, The Guardian, Irpi Media... Read More →
avatar for Pierluigi Bizzini

Pierluigi Bizzini

Journalist, FADA Collective
Pierluigi Bizzini is a freelance journalist based in Sicily. He is member of FADA Collective. His research focuses on migration, displacement and algorithmic surveillance within the Mediterranean area. He covers environmental issues in Sicily, focusing on water issues. He is a former... Read More →
avatar for Anna Toniolo

Anna Toniolo

Journalist, FADA Collective
Anna Toniolo is an Italian freelance journalist. She works on disinformation, inequality, gender issues, and the climate crisis in Italy and abroad, mainly through reportage andinvestigations. She is also interested in the consequences that things that happen on the Internet have... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am CEST
Sala Seminari

9:30am CEST

AI's climate cost: What do we know? What do we do?
Saturday October 19, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am CEST
Artificial intelligence continues to reshape industries, including journalism. But its environmental impact is often overlooked. AI systems require massive amounts of energy, contributing significantly to the global carbon footprint. This panel will explore both the reporting and practical challenges of addressing AI’s climate cost.

Pablo Jimenez Arandia, an investigative journalist, will discuss “invisible” AI's visible impact, the vast energy demands of machine learning models, and examples of reporting that reveal the scale of the problem. 

Sebastian Mondial, a data journalist, will talk about his recent work with big media in Germany in trying to make AI more cost and energy efficient, and protocols that newsrooms can adopt to directly mitigate AI’s climate cost while continuing to report on it.

Come join this talk to hear from different perspectives about AI and the climate — and what we can do about it.

avatar for Zeynep Sentek

Zeynep Sentek

Project director, Climate Network, Arena for Journalism in Europe
Zeynep Sentek is a Turkish investigative journalist specialising in corruption, human rights, and the environment. She is now leading the climate network of Arena for Journalism in Europe. In this network, Arena facilitates journalists to do cross-border climate investigations and... Read More →
avatar for Sebastian Mondial

Sebastian Mondial

AI Specialist, SWR
Sebastian Mondial is an AI specialist for various types AI models, analyzing models for performance, bias and refusal-to-function issues. He works on the SWR-AI project for the use of language and image models at scale. Previously, he worked for dpa, dpa Medialab, NDR, ZEIT, WDR... Read More →
avatar for Pablo Jimenez Arandia

Pablo Jimenez Arandia

Investigative reporter, Freelance
Freelance journalist and investigative reporter specialized in the social and political impact of technology. I have done several investigations on the use of AI and algorithms in the public and private sector, in which I've worked with Lighthouse Reports, the American author Virginia... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am CEST

9:30am CEST

How big finance greenwashes climate crisis culprits and how to investigate them
Saturday October 19, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am CEST
A cross-border data-driven investigation by Voxeurop, the Guardian and European Investigative Collaborations Network exposed banks and other financial institutions which misuse green-labeled funds to pour investors' money into the world's top polluters. The project looked at financial institutions, including large asset managers like BlackRock and Vanguard, as well as major banks like JPMorgan Chase and HSBC, that continue to fund the world's largest greenhouse gas emitters despite their commitment to sustainability.

In this panel, three journalists who made this award-winning story happen will tell you about their methods on investigating "financial greenwashing". 
avatar for Hazel Sheffield

Hazel Sheffield

Coordinator, Arena for Journalism
Hazel Sheffield is a British journalist reporting on all aspects of business and economics, from US fund managers attempting to crack China to community co-operatives in the British countryside. She is a coordinator for Arena for Journalism, where she leads training sessions helps... Read More →
avatar for Giorgio Michalopoulos

Giorgio Michalopoulos

Journalist and PhD scholar, Voxeurop
Giorgio Michalopoulos. Freelance investigative journalist and PhD Scholar at the Center for Development and Regional Planning (Cedeplar) at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil.  His collaborative investigations have appeared in Voxeurop, The Guardian, Domani, Il Fatto... Read More →
avatar for Stefano Valentino

Stefano Valentino

Voxeurop, Italy
Stefano Valentino is an awarded Italian investigative, multimedia and entrepreneurial journalist based in Brussels.He is the Founder of MobileReporter, an experimental participative content-making platform which won the Google-funded IPI News Challenge Contest 2012. Since 2011 his investigations on corporate lobbying pressures within the EU policy-making on climate and pollution received grants from major international grant-making... Read More →
avatar for Yann Philippin

Yann Philippin

Journalist, Mediapart
Based in Paris, Yann Philippin is an environment investigative reporter for the French online media Mediapart and a board member of the media network European Investigative Collaborations (EIC). Before covering environmental issues, Yann has been specialised in corruption and financial... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am CEST

10:30am CEST

Coffee break
Saturday October 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:00am CEST
Saturday October 19, 2024 10:30am - 11:00am CEST

11:00am CEST

The rise of populism and its best friend climate misinformation: What journalists should know
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CEST
The recent European Parliament elections marked a shift to the right, with right-wing populist parties gaining seats across the EU. This has sparked concerns that these parties are increasingly leveraging polarising debates over climate action, pressuring mainstream parties to scale back their environmental ambitions. In some countries where they are not in government, right-wing populists are positioning themselves as the most viable opposition, challenging the political landscape.

While much of the media coverage has focused on the rise and electoral success of these populist parties and their climate-skeptic views, there has been less attention on the concrete implications for climate action when such parties come to power.

This panel will have Clean Energy Wire and DeSmog talking about their work in tracking, collecting and reporting on misinformation. DeSmog will discuss how they developed tools to track climate-related misinformation before the EU elections and their lessons learned, as well as how they structured a cross-border investigation on the issue. Clean Energy Wire will explain practical strategies for reporting on these developments, offering insights on how to cover the intersection of climate policy and populism without legitimising or normalising far-right ideologies.
avatar for Patryk Strzalkowski

Patryk Strzalkowski

Climate reporter, Gazeta.pl
Patryk is a journalist working for the Gazeta.pl portal since 2015. Specializes in climate and environment topics and foreign affairs. Author of, among others, the Fridays for Climate series, as well as reports from the Middle East and other parts of the world. Presenter of live interviews... Read More →
avatar for Milou Dirkx

Milou Dirkx

Clean Energy Wire
Milou Dirkx is Journalism Network Manager at Clean Energy Wire, a Berlin-based news organisation working with journalists worlwide to elevate energy and climate reporting. Together with journalists from across Europe she reported on the rise of right-wing populism and its impact on... Read More →
avatar for Clare Carlile

Clare Carlile

Food and Farming Reporter, DeSmog
Clare is an investigative reporter for the award-winning environmental outlet DeSmog. She specialises in food politics stories exposing blockers of climate and environmental action, from misinformation to aggressive lobby tactics. Clare was previously Co-Editor at Ethical Consumer... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CEST

11:00am CEST

Exploring trade data to unveil dubious energy trends: Biofuels as an example
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CEST
How can trade data help investigate new important trends in climate-damaging energy commodities?

Whether it is to show that some companies keep using unsustainable products to promote so-called “renewable fuels”, or to reveal that Europe is opening new backdoors for palm oil through increased imports of suspicious advanced biofuels, the analysis of European and national public data can often be a good starting point for identifying new, unsuspected energy trends.

The Brussels-based NGO Transport & Environment’s (T&E) analysts have been using trade data, complemented with customs records, private market data, shipping tracking data and satellite imagery to investigate Eni’s biofuels supply chain. Other T&E investigations are currently attempting to adapt a similar tracking approach to identify fraudulent cases of palm oil disguised as advanced biofuels.

This session will present T&E’s approach to trade data analysis and discuss its challenges as well as opportunities for using it in other contexts.
avatar for Jonathan Stoneman

Jonathan Stoneman

Arena for Journalism in Europe
avatar for Simon Suzan

Simon Suzan

Transport Energy and Data Analyst, Transport & Environment
Simon works for Brussels-based NGO Transport & Environment (T&E) as a transport energy and data analyst. His work is currently focused on biofuels, e-fuels and oil and gas, analysing most recent trends and unveiling the real impacts of fuels.
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CEST

11:00am CEST

How to assess corporate climate goals
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CEST
Many companies have set goals to become net zero or carbon neutral. So far, only one initiative validates those targets to make sure they are in line with the Paris agreement: Science Based Target Initiative (SBTI). Recently, SBTI has shift in its policies which shed light on the rather weak climate goals of a lot of companies. Until this year, goals that were not substantiated were removed from the databank, without any publication around it. Now this has changed: goals will be marked as removed. This is the first time that SBTI uses an approach of naming and shaming when it comes to companies who had a change of heart regarding their climate targets.  

In this session, journalist Constanze Bayer from Bayerischer Rundfunk will walk the audience through the SBTI and CDP dashboards and the data that can be downloaded, and give hints for stories you could derive from it. As an example, she will show her own investigation into companies from Germany. She will show how many more story lines can be generated from the data as both databanks include companies from all over the world.
avatar for Constanze Bayer

Constanze Bayer

Data Journalist, BR Data
Constanze arbeitet als Datenjournalistin mit an Geschichten rund um Klima und Umwelt. Das können große Storytelling-Projekte wie ein CO2-Rechner sein, der die Wirkung von Heizungsgesetz und Co illustriert, aber auch Geschichten über die Finanzierung der Klima-Entwicklungshilfe... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CEST
Sala Seminari

12:00pm CEST

Saturday October 19, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm CEST
Saturday October 19, 2024 12:00pm - 1:30pm CEST

1:30pm CEST

All fossil industry?: Putting the spotlight on the agribusiness industries
Saturday October 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CEST
This session puts the focus on the agribusiness industry. More specifically, the panellists will discuss ways to investigate industrial meat production’s impact (which is huge and ugly) and methane emissions (which is the second most abundant greenhouse gas).  

GIJN’s resource centre director Nikolia Apostolou will talk about why methane matters, how journalist can cover methane emissions, where to find data sources, how to investigate (flawed) measurement systems, and how to find methane emitters on the ground and from the sky. She will also discuss how to critically assess disclosures and commitments by companies.

Journalists Jonas Seufert and Marie Bröckling will talk about their work on the hidden environmental costs of industrial slaughterhouses and how they use cheap public water in Germany. Their investigation involves large meat processing companies with further production facilities in Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Poland, UK, France, Austria or Italy. They will explain how they collected data through FOIA and EIA requests and how they connected data to on-the-ground reporting.
avatar for Sarah Pilz

Sarah Pilz

Network Coordinator, Arena for Journalism in Europe
Sarah Pilz ist freiberufliche Journalistin in Deutschland mit Fokus auf EU Politik und Lobbyismus. Als Netzwerkkoordinatorin bei Arena for Journalism in Europe arbeitet sie an der Vernetzung von Journalist:innen in Europa und der Koordination von cross-border Projekten. Gemeinsam... Read More →
avatar for Jonas Seufert

Jonas Seufert

Journalist, Freelance
Jonas is a freelance journalist from Germany with a focus on food systems and supply chains. His investigative reporting appears as texts and documentaries at the German ARD, ZDF, Die Zeit, Süddeutsche Zeitung or Correctiv. He is part of a team that made the feature-length documentary... Read More →
avatar for Nikolia Apostolou

Nikolia Apostolou

Resource Center Director, GIJN
Nikolia is GIJN's Resource Center director since 2021. Prior to that, Nikolia wrote stories and produced documentaries from Greece, Cyprus, and Turkey for more than 100 media outlets like the BBC, The Associated Press, AJ+, The New York Times, The New Humanitarian, etc. In the past... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CEST

1:30pm CEST

Burning Skies: How to investigate Big Oil’s toxic flames
Saturday October 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CEST
Come to this panel to hear about a very recent cross-border investigation Burning Skies, coordinated by Environmental Investigative Forum (EIF) and European Investigative Collaborations (EIC). The project exposed for the first time the big oil companies' direct responsibilities in the harmful practice of gas flaring.

Gas flaring, which consists in burning excess of methane from oil fields, releases huge quantities of CO2 and harmful pollutants in the atmosphere, at dramatic cost for the climate, the environment and the health of local populations, especially in the Middle East and Africa. But big oil companies do not publish any precise data about it.

In this session, the Burning Skies team will explain how they managed to process open source satellite data to attribute the emissions of 665 hydrocarbon assets in 18 countries to specific oil & gas companies, exposing their responsibility – and how you can do the same for other countries and companies.

You can read the investigation here: https://eiforum.org/burning-skies-the-hidden-of-big-oils-toxic-flames/ and here https://www.source-material.org/burning-skies-bp-shell-exxon-gas-flaring-nigeria/
avatar for Yann Philippin

Yann Philippin

Journalist, Mediapart
Based in Paris, Yann Philippin is an environment investigative reporter for the French online media Mediapart and a board member of the media network European Investigative Collaborations (EIC). Before covering environmental issues, Yann has been specialised in corruption and financial... Read More →
avatar for Léopold Salzenstein

Léopold Salzenstein

Data coordinator, Arena for Journalism in Europe
Leopold Salzenstein is a freelance investigative data journalist and trainer based in the south of France. At Arena, he coordinates the handling of data for publications and trainings. He is also a member of the collective of journalists Environmental Investigative Forum (EIF).
Saturday October 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CEST
Sala Seminari

1:30pm CEST

Separating facts from fiction: How to report on "climate-friendly" fossil fuel alternatives and fake solutions
Saturday October 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CEST
While Europe's transition from fossil fuels to renewables and energy efficiency appears straightforward, growing attention on hotly contested technologies poses a risk of diverting precious resources from effective climate solutions, potentially steering Europe away from its Paris Agreement trajectory.  

What is their realistic contribution to the climate fight? Are policymakers in Europe crafting oversized plans for them? Are they just costly distractions and unproven experiments?

In this panel, three experts will discuss hydrogen, nuclear power plants, and carbon capture and storage, with the aim of informing journalists on the realities behind them so you can understand better what’s a hype pushed by influential lobbies and what’s a fact.
avatar for Carlotta Indiano

Carlotta Indiano

Investigative Reporter / Environment, IRPI
Carlotta Indiano is an Italian investigative journalist based in Rome.She mainly works with IrpiMedia, Investigative Reporting Project Italy (IRPI), a centre for investigative journalism based in Italy. Carlotta studied International Cooperation and Development in Rome and Buenos Aires and obtained a Master in multi-media and investigative journalism at the Lelio Basso School of Journalism in Rome. Her work is based on a c... Read More →
avatar for Alberto Vela

Alberto Vela

Communications Officer, European Environmental Bureau (EEB)
I work for the largest network of environmental NGOs in Europe. From our Brussels headquarters, we combat climate disinformation and lobbyist delay tactics daily. We’ve published several reports on the dangers of over-reliance on expensive or unproven solutions like hydrogen, CCS... Read More →
avatar for Guus Dix

Guus Dix

Assistant professor, University of Twente
Hi! I am Guus Dix, assistant professor in the sociology of science and technology at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. As a researcher, I have a broad interest in climate obstruction - e.g. intentional efforts to delay or halt effective climate action - with a geographical... Read More →
avatar for Aline Nippert

Aline Nippert

Journalist, Freelancer
I'm a a Paris-based energy and climate journalist, and author. I specialize in industry decarbonization and climate delay strategies, and write about developments in the energy sector for the professional and general public press. I am the author of an investigative book about hydrogen... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CEST

1:30pm CEST

Make your story more immersive: Art of scrollytelling
Saturday October 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CEST
During this session, participants will learn about the basics of scrollytelling: structure, usage, best cases. Scrollytelling articles are popular, gets more readers, shared more, and win awards. The most popular of these types of stories feature dynamic maps, helping to tell a story with geographical data. This session aims to make this process easy to learn.  

By the end of the session, all participants will have an understanding of the structure of Mapbox-based scrollytelling wireframe, with basic animations and interactivity.

NOTE: Participants should have a basic understanding of HTML structure; know what a geojson file is, and love maps. You will need a Mapbox profile (free registration); code editor of choice (eg Sublime Text), and possibly QGIS.
avatar for Ada Homolova

Ada Homolova

ARENA / Follow The Money, Austria/ Slovakia
Adriana is a freelance data journalist, trainer and public spending nerd. She coordinates the data skills training track on the Dataharvest conference and investigates the European Union for Follow The Money Bureau Brussel.
Saturday October 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CEST
Spazio Cinema

2:30pm CEST

Coffee break
Saturday October 19, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm CEST
Saturday October 19, 2024 2:30pm - 3:00pm CEST

3:00pm CEST

How not to fall into the trap of "new" climate disinformation
Saturday October 19, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm CEST
This is a workshop on “discourses of delay” and "far-right ecologism” as new, emerging forms of climate misinformation. Based on a taxonomy of these discourses published in an academic paper by Balša Lubarda, this session will present these concepts. The facilitating journalists will explain how they used this framework to conduct a collaborative investigation focused on how this shift took place in the European far-right.  

In a follow-up interactive part, the journalists will present a series of examples (statements, policies, political decisions et al.) and have a discussion with other participants about how they fit in the definition of these concepts and how (or if) they vary from “classical” climate denialism. This session will equip you with a deep understanding of the new discourses that are floating around and will help you stay vigilant on climate misinformation and apply the methodological approach for your reporting.
avatar for Michele Bertelli

María Elorza Saralegui

Journalist, Freelance
María Elorza Saralegui is a journalist from Spain and Luxembourg. She focuses on migration and climate topics. Her bylines have appeared in media like BBC Future Planet, Climática and Ereb.
avatar for Martin Vrba

Martin Vrba

Journalist, Freelance
Martin Vrba is a Czech journalist, essayist, and researcher. Based in Prague, he writes about systemic emergencies such as the climate and ecological crises and their political, cultural, and socio-economic implications.
Saturday October 19, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm CEST
Sala Seminari

3:00pm CEST

How to reach audiences in creative ways: Lessons learnt
Saturday October 19, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm CEST
How do you communicate big numbers, extreme events, and (bad) future prospects to your audience? How do you effectively deliver the news to communities that are most affected? Or to a younger generation? These are challenges that all journalists face but if your beat is climate and the environment, you might be feeling the pressure more.  

Come to this panel to hear from three journalists about their experiences, their methods, and their lessons learnt.

Iliana Papangeli will talk about how their recent popular story which involved an unconventional approach to writing about (and recording) bird hunting, Mauricio Ferro will talk about how they created Brazil’s first app-newsroom to deliver stories to news desserts, and Sophia Smith Galer will give you tips and tricks about how to make punchy and informative TikTok videos to capture the attention of hundreds of thousands of people (yes even with climate stories!).
avatar for Hazel Sheffield

Hazel Sheffield

Coordinator, Arena for Journalism
Hazel Sheffield is a British journalist reporting on all aspects of business and economics, from US fund managers attempting to crack China to community co-operatives in the British countryside. She is a coordinator for Arena for Journalism, where she leads training sessions helps... Read More →
avatar for Maurício Ferro

Maurício Ferro

CEO, platō & Correio Sabiá
Maurício Ferro is a 32-year-old Brazilian journalist/entrepreneur focused on creating innovative solutions addressed to fix some of the biggest media issues, such as disinformation, news avoidance, and lack of trust. He's the CEO/founder of Correio Sabiá, the first-ever Brazilian... Read More →
avatar for Iliana Papangeli

Iliana Papangeli

Managing Director, Solomon
Iliana Papangeli is the managing director of Solomon, an award-winning non-profit investigative outlet based in Greece, specializing in migration, corruption, and climate issues. She works as a writer, editor, and reporter. She advocates for leadership that prioritizes care practices... Read More →
avatar for Sophia Smith Galer

Sophia Smith Galer

Sophia is a British digital journalist and author. In 2022, she was named as one of Forbes 30 Under 30 for Marketing and Media in Europe, and short-listed on British Vogue's list of Top 25 Most Influential Women in the UK.In 2019, she started posting to short-form video-sharing app... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm CEST

3:00pm CEST

The European climate fact-checkers roundtable
Saturday October 19, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm CEST
In response to the growing need for reliable climate information, this informal roundtable will bring together fact-checking communities from across Europe to connect and build trust. Representatives from five fact-checking organisations will share their insights, experiences, and challenges in not only combating climate misinformation in their day to day work but also finding their rightful place within the larger media ecosystem in Europe.

We want this roundtable to also be an opportunity to assess the needs of European climate fact-checkers and explore ways to enhance collaborations across borders.

This roundtable is open to all who'd like to learn more about the state of the art for climate fact-checking and share all lessons learned, good and bad, as well as best practices. We will keep the session informal and relaxed, and encourage unfiltered exchange of ideas. 
avatar for Jonathan Stoneman

Jonathan Stoneman

Arena for Journalism in Europe
avatar for Ana Brakus

Ana Brakus

Director, Faktograf
Ana Brakus is a leading young newsroom management professional in Croatia, with years of experience in both journalism and management roles. She is the executive director of Faktograf, publisher of Croatia's first fact-checking news media. She holds a degree in political science... Read More →
avatar for Maribel Angel-Moreno

Maribel Angel-Moreno

Editor of the climate desk, Maldita
avatar for Şükran Şençekiçer

Şükran Şençekiçer

Editorial advisor, Teyit
Şükran serves as the editor of the Demeç Kontrolü project at Turkish fact-checking organisation Teyit, focusing on analysing politicians' statements ahead of the elections.She studied Political Science and International Relations at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul. She prepared... Read More →
avatar for Eleni Vatala

Eleni Vatala

Fact-checker, Ellinika Hoaxes
avatar for Elena Fournadjieva

Elena Fournadjieva

Journalist, Factcheck Bulgaria
Elena Fournadjieva is a journalist with over 25 years of professional experience gained in various media outlets. Since December 2020 she is a journalist and editor in Factcheck.bg.
Saturday October 19, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm CEST
Spazio Cinema

3:00pm CEST

Employing science jounalism skills in climate stories
Saturday October 19, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm CEST
What science says is often an integral part of climate and environmental stories. We use scientific work, data, statistics, lab results and listen to the scientists. But it can be a hard world to navigate and to really understand what an academic study says or if it’s entirely reliable. The world of scientific publishing can be chaotic.  

Journalists who are not specialised in science journalism could benefit from quick learning of specific skills this journalism niche requires.

This workshop will cover:

- What are the most common misinterpretations of scientific findings in the climate stories and what are the possible reasons? (With examples)
- How to find and recognise high-quality scientific research and best experts in a particular scientific field (scientific databases; problems with interpreting h-index and citation; distinguishing between Scopus, WoS and Google Scholar; what to do with pre-print results; avoiding predatory sources; how to get paywall research for free; other sources)
- Tips for better understanding any published research
- How to use published research to find investigative stories (with examples)
- How to use scientific research as an independent source of data
avatar for Léopold Salzenstein

Léopold Salzenstein

Data coordinator, Arena for Journalism in Europe
Leopold Salzenstein is a freelance investigative data journalist and trainer based in the south of France. At Arena, he coordinates the handling of data for publications and trainings. He is also a member of the collective of journalists Environmental Investigative Forum (EIF).
avatar for Vedrana Simičević

Vedrana Simičević

Journalist, Freelance
Vedrana is a freelance journalist and editor with twenty years of experience in media and with a degree in Psychology. She likes to write long-form and investigative stories, particularly the ones involving science and environmental issues.Her articles have been published in National... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm CEST

4:00pm CEST

Goodbye and see you next time!
Saturday October 19, 2024 4:00pm - 4:15pm CEST
Saturday October 19, 2024 4:00pm - 4:15pm CEST

7:00pm CEST

Post-Conference evening: Mini concert & drinks
Saturday October 19, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm CEST
Please join us for a nice evening at CostArena, just around the corner from our venue DAMSLab. There, Bologna's LGBTQ choir Komos will give a special mini concert just for us. When you're at CostArena, find us at under the huge tent. There is a bar there that serves drinks and snacks.  
Saturday October 19, 2024 7:00pm - 9:00pm CEST
CostArena Via Azzo Gardino, 48, 40122 Bologna BO
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