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Friday, October 18

10:30am CEST

What’s next on the EU's chemicals agenda
Friday October 18, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CEST
The EU has been pedalling back on the Green Deal and now the Parliament has shifted more to the right. What’s next? Come hear from two experienced journalists and a lobby expert about what to watch out for in the next EU legislative term in the context of chemicals.  

Where will the EU be focusing on after indefinitely shelving the REACH revision that would regulate companies on toxic chemicals? How does the legislative process work on climate regulations at the EU level? What will be the lobbyists to watch out for and how do they operate? What is the corporate playbook and what should journalist be aware of?
avatar for Jelena Prtoric

Jelena Prtoric

Journalist, Arena for Journalism in Europe
avatar for Vicky Cann

Vicky Cann

Researcher and campaigner, Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO)
Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) is a research and campaign group working to expose and challenge the privileged access and influence enjoyed by corporations and their lobby groups in EU policy making. Vicky Cann is a researcher and campaigner and her work includes a specific focus on corporate capture and... Read More →
avatar for Stéphane Horel

Stéphane Horel

Journalist, Le Monde
Stéphane Horel is an investigative journalist at Le Monde. Author of several documentaries and books, she specialises in corporate harm, toxic industries and scientific disinformation, as well as in innovative investigation methodologies. In 2023, she supervised the European map... Read More →
avatar for Elena Sanchez Nicolas

Elena Sanchez Nicolas

Managing editor, EUobserver
Elena is EUobserver's Managing Editor. She is from Spain and has studied journalism and new media in Spanish and Belgian universities. Previously she worked on European affairs at VoteWatch Europe and the Spanish news agency EFE.
Friday October 18, 2024 10:30am - 11:30am CEST
Sala Seminari

12:00pm CEST

Tracing supply chains
Friday October 18, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm CEST
Beef, soy and palm oil are just a few examples of agricultural commodities that put global forests and native species at risk during production, processing, and transportation. There are valuable investigations done tying forest loss to produce sold in European markets. But tracing supply chains remains notoriously difficult, especially when commodities end up hidden in non-food products like paper, furniture, and animal feeds.  

This practical tools session will explore Trase (https://www.trase.earth/), a supply chain monitoring tool developed by the Stockholm Environmental Institute and a non-profit called Global Canopy, along with Selo Verde, to trace the livestock production chain throughout the state of Pará in Brazil. The tools are widely used by researchers, policymakers, practitioners and investigative journalists who revealed, e.g. a large volume of beef imported from deforestation-linked giants in Brazil ended up in Germany.

In collaboration with CLEVER project.
avatar for Rina Tsubaki

Rina Tsubaki

European Forest Institute
Rina Tsubaki is a communications manager at European Forest Institute who is leading the Lookout Station, a science-media capacity building initiative at the European Forest Institute. Prior to her joining EFI, she has developed a number of projects that focus on accuracy in journalistic... Read More →
avatar for Mark Titley

Mark Titley

Research Associate, Global Canopy
Mark Titley joined Global Canopy in 2021 as a Research Associate on Trase, working to understand and communicate the links between global supply chains and deforestation. Before joining Global Canopy, Mark completed a PhD in conservation ecology at Durham University, modelling the... Read More →

Felipe Nunes

Director, Center for Territorial Intelligence
Dr. Felipe Nunes is currently the President-Director of CIT (Center for Territorial Intelligence) and an associate researcher at CSR (Center for Remote Sensing) at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil. His research focuses on spatially explicit modeling, ex-ante and... Read More →
Friday October 18, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm CEST
Sala Seminari

2:30pm CEST

Animal welfare as a climate issue
Friday October 18, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
Intensive animal farming is a huge climate matter. Its mass scale contributes heavily on emissions and its impact destroys groundwater resources and soil. At the same time, animals themselves are suffering both human actions and the effects of climate crisis. The majority of Europeans are in full support of stringent regulations on animal welfare but there is intensive lobbying effort that succeeds in shutting down any efforts.  

Animals are an alarmingly underreported topic in the media. In this panel, two journalists with extensive experience on writing on these issues will explain how the system works, where the stories are, and the best practices on reporting on animal-related issues in Europe.
avatar for Thin Lei Win

Thin Lei Win

Investigative journalist, Lighthouse Reports
My main hat is food systems, climate change and where they meet. My other hat is Burma, my home country.
avatar for Annick Hus

Annick Hus

Investigative journalist, Freelance
As a freelance investigative journalist and researcher based just outside Brussels, Annick specialises in animal welfare, biodiversity, agriculture (mainly livestock), and climate issues.
Friday October 18, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm CEST
Sala Seminari

4:00pm CEST

The big plastic lie: What to know about and how to investigate the plastics recycling industry
Friday October 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST
Come join us for a dive into the murky world of plastics. There is a lot of misunderstanding and misinformation around plastics recycling among the public, but even among journalists too. In this session, you’ll hear two journalists who worked on this topic discussing the inner workings of the plastics industry, the lobbying against regulations, and how plastics offsetting became the new license for the industry to pollute even more. They will share their work, their methods and what to look out for if you want to investigate this big topic.
avatar for Sarah Pilz

Sarah Pilz

Network Coordinator, Arena for Journalism in Europe
Sarah Pilz ist freiberufliche Journalistin in Deutschland mit Fokus auf EU Politik und Lobbyismus. Als Netzwerkkoordinatorin bei Arena for Journalism in Europe arbeitet sie an der Vernetzung von Journalist:innen in Europa und der Koordination von cross-border Projekten. Gemeinsam... Read More →
avatar for Maria Maggiore

Maria Maggiore

Journalist, Investigate Europe
I grew up in Europe. There is no solution without Europe, but Europe has to change a lot, more democracy and transparency are needed. Less space for lobby.My preferit topics are around gas and green transition, plastics waste and production, AI now, for the threat to our foundamental... Read More →
avatar for Jess Staufenberg

Jess Staufenberg

Investigative reporter, Source Material
Jess is an investigative journalist working for public interest journalism unit SourceMaterial based in the UK, focused on corruption and climate.  
Friday October 18, 2024 4:00pm - 5:00pm CEST
Sala Seminari
Saturday, October 19

9:30am CEST

How to address the climate crisis at a local level: A networking session for local European journalists to exchange practices
Saturday October 19, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am CEST
Covering the climate crisis at the local level often faces significant obstacles. This networking event aims to bring together local journalists from various countries who report on the climate and environment. The main goal is to address the critical need for enhanced coverage of the climate crisis by empowering local journalists with the resources and networks necessary to drive real change within their communities.

This session will be facilitated by journalists from Italy’s FADA Collective. Participants will have the opportunity to network, exchange information, share best practices, discuss challenges and talk about investigation ideas. Perhaps, new journalistic collaborations can flourish — wouldn’t that be great! Come join this session if you’re covering the climate on a local level and meet like-minded journalists.
avatar for Sara Manisera

Sara Manisera

Journalist, FADA Collective
Sara has worked extensively in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, North Africa and Italy. Her research focuses on environmental conflicts, gender issues and food supply chains. Her feature stories and investigations have been published by Al Jazeera, Libèration, El Pais, The Guardian, Irpi Media... Read More →
avatar for Pierluigi Bizzini

Pierluigi Bizzini

Journalist, FADA Collective
Pierluigi Bizzini is a freelance journalist based in Sicily. He is member of FADA Collective. His research focuses on migration, displacement and algorithmic surveillance within the Mediterranean area. He covers environmental issues in Sicily, focusing on water issues. He is a former... Read More →
avatar for Anna Toniolo

Anna Toniolo

Journalist, FADA Collective
Anna Toniolo is an Italian freelance journalist. She works on disinformation, inequality, gender issues, and the climate crisis in Italy and abroad, mainly through reportage andinvestigations. She is also interested in the consequences that things that happen on the Internet have... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am CEST
Sala Seminari

11:00am CEST

How to assess corporate climate goals
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CEST
Many companies have set goals to become net zero or carbon neutral. So far, only one initiative validates those targets to make sure they are in line with the Paris agreement: Science Based Target Initiative (SBTI). Recently, SBTI has shift in its policies which shed light on the rather weak climate goals of a lot of companies. Until this year, goals that were not substantiated were removed from the databank, without any publication around it. Now this has changed: goals will be marked as removed. This is the first time that SBTI uses an approach of naming and shaming when it comes to companies who had a change of heart regarding their climate targets.  

In this session, journalist Constanze Bayer from Bayerischer Rundfunk will walk the audience through the SBTI and CDP dashboards and the data that can be downloaded, and give hints for stories you could derive from it. As an example, she will show her own investigation into companies from Germany. She will show how many more story lines can be generated from the data as both databanks include companies from all over the world.
avatar for Constanze Bayer

Constanze Bayer

Data Journalist, BR Data
Constanze arbeitet als Datenjournalistin mit an Geschichten rund um Klima und Umwelt. Das können große Storytelling-Projekte wie ein CO2-Rechner sein, der die Wirkung von Heizungsgesetz und Co illustriert, aber auch Geschichten über die Finanzierung der Klima-Entwicklungshilfe... Read More →
Saturday October 19, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CEST
Sala Seminari

1:30pm CEST

Burning Skies: How to investigate Big Oil’s toxic flames
Saturday October 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CEST
Come to this panel to hear about a very recent cross-border investigation Burning Skies, coordinated by Environmental Investigative Forum (EIF) and European Investigative Collaborations (EIC). The project exposed for the first time the big oil companies' direct responsibilities in the harmful practice of gas flaring.

Gas flaring, which consists in burning excess of methane from oil fields, releases huge quantities of CO2 and harmful pollutants in the atmosphere, at dramatic cost for the climate, the environment and the health of local populations, especially in the Middle East and Africa. But big oil companies do not publish any precise data about it.

In this session, the Burning Skies team will explain how they managed to process open source satellite data to attribute the emissions of 665 hydrocarbon assets in 18 countries to specific oil & gas companies, exposing their responsibility – and how you can do the same for other countries and companies.

You can read the investigation here: https://eiforum.org/burning-skies-the-hidden-of-big-oils-toxic-flames/ and here https://www.source-material.org/burning-skies-bp-shell-exxon-gas-flaring-nigeria/
avatar for Yann Philippin

Yann Philippin

Journalist, Mediapart
Based in Paris, Yann Philippin is an environment investigative reporter for the French online media Mediapart and a board member of the media network European Investigative Collaborations (EIC). Before covering environmental issues, Yann has been specialised in corruption and financial... Read More →
avatar for Léopold Salzenstein

Léopold Salzenstein

Data coordinator, Arena for Journalism in Europe
Leopold Salzenstein is a freelance investigative data journalist and trainer based in the south of France. At Arena, he coordinates the handling of data for publications and trainings. He is also a member of the collective of journalists Environmental Investigative Forum (EIF).
Saturday October 19, 2024 1:30pm - 2:30pm CEST
Sala Seminari

3:00pm CEST

How not to fall into the trap of "new" climate disinformation
Saturday October 19, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm CEST
This is a workshop on “discourses of delay” and "far-right ecologism” as new, emerging forms of climate misinformation. Based on a taxonomy of these discourses published in an academic paper by Balša Lubarda, this session will present these concepts. The facilitating journalists will explain how they used this framework to conduct a collaborative investigation focused on how this shift took place in the European far-right.  

In a follow-up interactive part, the journalists will present a series of examples (statements, policies, political decisions et al.) and have a discussion with other participants about how they fit in the definition of these concepts and how (or if) they vary from “classical” climate denialism. This session will equip you with a deep understanding of the new discourses that are floating around and will help you stay vigilant on climate misinformation and apply the methodological approach for your reporting.
avatar for Michele Bertelli

María Elorza Saralegui

Journalist, Freelance
María Elorza Saralegui is a journalist from Spain and Luxembourg. She focuses on migration and climate topics. Her bylines have appeared in media like BBC Future Planet, Climática and Ereb.
avatar for Martin Vrba

Martin Vrba

Journalist, Freelance
Martin Vrba is a Czech journalist, essayist, and researcher. Based in Prague, he writes about systemic emergencies such as the climate and ecological crises and their political, cultural, and socio-economic implications.
Saturday October 19, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm CEST
Sala Seminari
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